Monday and Tuesday

Our school started Monday. Kids did pretty well for the first day, regarding the fact that they had almost the whole August off aside from reading and some writing when they felt like it.

We started a new journal for D., he likes writing a lot, so this year instead of having just one notebook for all his writing, he got his special personal journal (“like the one mommy has, yay!” (C)) . I found a wonderful idea to get him to write more about personal stuff, it’s called “Awe-journal” and while I don’t exactly expect him to write all of his “awe” moments every time, I think it will serve as a good inspiration. We decided to make this plain composition book more personal by decorating it.Ā  There’s an excellent idea of how to personalize composition books with duct tape sheets and metallic markers at Art Projects for kids,Ā  we went with white contact paper this time. I thought D. would make it more colorful, but he opted out for softer colors. “Astronaut landed and can’t tell the difference between pencil and his rocket” is the theme, should I expect great things from him regarding this project? šŸ™‚ We’ll see.


Little C. did all her work cutting, pasting, coloring, tracing and writing numbers. We did her letters and she’s doing better and better.

Today, we decided to celebrate the beginning of the school year by visiting one of our most favorite spots in Denver- Denver Botanic Garden, the one that is located on York street, we go to Chatfield one quite often too. It was a free admission today which made our trip even better. So colorful! All the flowers are out, there is new sculpture exhibit in the gardens. It was quite hot, but still not unbearable. Children are now a little bit older than when we went last time, so Children’s Garden was not as interesting to them, but they enjoyed exploring all the sections of the garden so much. They didn’t pay attention to those before. D. especially enjoyed all the water features, C. made a beeline to Japanese garden and koi fish that live in a pond. They enjoyed the smells of herb garden and the color explosion in the cutting garden. Wonderful place, well worth a visit.


little diamonds


water lilies I love the best


find the squirrel


the cutting garden


lovely lavender


the garden

D. officially started Karate classes today, so that’s exciting as well. We’ll see what the rest of the week will bring.

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