October in pictures

October just flew by. Why does time rushes like an express train these days? It seems  that the biggest challenge for me is to slow it down, and still I fail somehow. I did not have time to blog, but we did have time for some nice outings, nowhere terribly new and yet, because of the season and its colors, these places felt truly magical.

Hudson Gardens

I love weekdays there, the garden is empty save for a few moms with very small children and elderly people. We love to bring our sketchbooks and this time around we just took our time admiring splashes of orange and red everywhere.

splashes of red

splashes of red

orange spot

orange spot

best place

best place

Staunton State Park was in transition to the winter already, not many leaves were left and we saw snow here and there. We love this place for its bubbling stream that runs along the trail, for mossy rocks that pile up. The air is wonderful. Children always make up stories about trolls and gnomes that could be lurking in the shadows.



mossy corner

mossy corner

And at the very end of the month a dear friend invited us to Denver Botanic Gardens to see Chihuly Exhibit , what a treat. Thank you!  Those in Denver Area, please hurry and see it if you still haven’t it is absolutely lovely. It runs until November 30, 2014.

glass flowers among the garden's bloom

glass flowers among the garden’s bloom

my favorite

my favorite

But even more than this wonderful sculpture I loved just walking around and resting in small cozy corners of the garden.

This corner reminded me of Perrault fairy tales

This corner reminded me of Perrault fairy tales

I could just sit here for hours, being completely still

I could just sit here for hours, being completely still



Halloween was nice, and November met us with gray clouds and wind that relieved trees of most of the leaves. The forecast is good, but snow can happen any day now and I realize that I’m not quite ready mentally for winter.

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